Research Fellow

Digital History

Deutsches Historisches Institut Washington

1607 New Hampshire Avenue NW


20009 Washington

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Research Fellow & Head of Digital History, German Historical Institute Washington, September 2020-present
- Project Coordinator, "Migrant Connections" (institute project)

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

- "Text Mining America's German-Language Newspapers, 1830-1914: Processing Ger(wo)manness"
- "Migrant Connections"
- "COESO" (Connecting Research and Society)

Frühere Position(en)

Research Assistant, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Literary Studies, Dept. American Literature and Culture, July 2017-2020
- Doctoral Researcher/Project Manager, "Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks in Historical Newspaper Repositories" (DFG), University of Stuttgart, Institute of Literary Studies, July 2017-2020
- Fellow, "CRETA/Center for Reflected Text Analytics" (BMBF), University of Stuttgart, October 2018-present
- Student Researcher, "Modeling Control Theory" (DFG), University of Stuttgart, Institute of Linguistics, Dept. English, October 2016-July 2017